Top 10 Tuesday (Week 3) - Old style fuse boxes

How to change and update an old type fuse box. Welcome back to my top 10 Tuesday electricians blog. This is week three of my top 10 electrical problems I have come across in my occupation as an electrician.

In the picture you will see an old style metal fuse box that I found in a customers garage. As you can see it is hanging off the wall with all the live cables exposed! including cobwebs and plenty of dust. This is not good! If you have come across anything like this in your travels as an electrician or even worse still, have something like this in your home or property please contact your local electrician at


Thankfully our customer, who had just moved into this house, called us up and asked us to sort his electrical problems out. There are plenty of problems in his home that need sorting out, but for now this seems to be the worst! But then again like I always say to my customers “ it is not what you can see, but what you can’t see” that can cause problems.


If you have a question for me as an electrician or would like to ask a question to an electrician but too worried to ask, please feel free to contact me at / or email me at

I will guide you in the most suitable direction without it costing you anything.

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